Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Rumble in the Jungle

The heat and wetness of the Maldives was in the beginning of November replaced by another form of heat and humidity; The jungle of Brunei. Working as a doc in the jungle is very different to any other environment I have ever been in. Six weeks in different locations, eating mostly army rations, sleeping in a hammock and getting acclimatised to the constant humidity and warm temperatures is something I will always remember as something quite different from the mountainous terrain I normally work in. It is surprising how little hostile one finds the jungle after a while; on the contrary, one learns that these vast rainforests are very rewarding to the person who knows what he's looking for. I have much to learn... The lungs of the earth are massive, home to an amazing flor and fauna and yet so vulnarable. Visiting them in person was a rewarding experience I can deeply recommend.

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